
6 persons / 2hrs


This vegetarian ceviche is eaten in the Ancash region in the Andes of Peru with leche de tigre of tomato juice. It has strong medicinal and nutritional power.



  1. Cut the red onion in thin slices and put them in cold water with salt, leave for 10 minutes and rinse well with cold water to remove the 'onion sharpness' and to soften the structure.
  2. Mix the lime and orange juice, the ají, onion, tomato, almost all cilantro and olive oil into a leech de tigre.
  3. Leave the choclo in the leche de tigre and put in the fridge for 2 hours.
  4. Garnish with plantain chips, onion and cilantro.

2 persons / 10min preparation 


This is a Peruvian Italian fusion dish, brought by boat in the 19th century to Peru. When you make more, put the sauce in a jar and cover with olive oil. You can maintain this for appr. 3 weeks in the fridge. 

  1. Boil the pasta till al dente around 10min on medium fire
  2. Put everything in the food processor and when it is a fluid pasta, add enough black ground pepper and salt to taste
  3. Mix the spaghettini and pesto and serve!

10min / 15 waffles


This recipe of savoury waffles from the North of Peru has existed for thousands of years. You can make this any time, because who hasn’t eggs, flour and corn in the cupboard? You can eat them warm or cold.



  1. Mix all ingredients, at last the flour.
  2. Put the oil in the pan.
  3. Put a spoon with the mix in the pan and squeeze till it is a round cookie. Repeat till the pan is full.
  4. Bake the waffle in 2min gold brown and turn around for the other side.
  5. Sirve with a fresh dip sauce.. 
  6. Check out the video on my YouTube channel!

25minutes / 2 persons


This dish was born when in the eighties street vendors started to sell ceviche from wheel barrows, caretillas. Check the recipe video on my YouTube channel.

Ingredients (2nd column tiger's milk)

  • 400gr filleted sea bream 
  • 2 hand full of squid heads
  • 50gr flour
  • 1 red onion cut julienne
  • ½ chilli cut brunoise
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1 tsp of ground black pepper
  • 1 hand of cilantro leaves
  • 100gr of sea bream
  • 1sp of PIT smoked pineapple OR 1 chillies
  • sauce of 5 limes
  • 2 x 2cm of ginger
  • 1 celery steels
  • 1/4thred onion
  • 1/2 hand full of cilantro
  • ½ cup of water


  1. Cook the corn and cut of the kernels
  2. Cut the fish in cubes of 2 x 2 cm and mix with salt.
  3. Mix the celery, ginger, lime juice, hot sauce 1/4thof the onion, 100gr. seabream and cilantro. Add just a bit of water if it’s too dense. 
  4. Sieve the tiger’s milk and put in the fridge. 
  5. Put the onion, cut in julienne, in water with sea salt. 
  6. Poor the tiger’s milk over the fish and put in the fridge. 
  7. Clean the baby squid and mix with salt, ground black pepper.
  8. Cover the baby squids in flour and fry for 2 minutes. 
  9. Put everything on a plate, garnish with onion, chips, corn and cilantro.